In a series of conversations between 1961-1983, Our Lord Jesus and Our Holy Mother gave Elizabeth Kindelmann a powerful spiritual weapon for our tumultuous times. Never before have we received such a gift as a the Flame of Love, and we need it so much in the evil times that we live in now. The movement of the Flame of Love has spread throughout the world from a diary written by Elizabeth in Hungary.
The feast day of The Flame of Love takes place on Candlemas. Mary specifically requested the Flame of Love not get its own feast day, but share its feast day with this already existing feast.
What is the Flame of Love?
The Flame of Love refers to the intense love of Mother Mary. This is a love that she feels for every human being on the planet, the love of a mother for her children. We need to remember as Catholics, that Mary is our spiritual mother, which is a motherhood that is just as real and loving as biological motherhood.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary is a devotion to that intense love for us. Where we recognize and rely on that intense desire of Mary to help us and intercede for us. And she will intercede for us, because any good mother would do anything to protect her children.
So under this new title, we appeal to Mary’s love for us, and Christ has offered incredible graces to go along with it.
Blinding Satan
Now, satan has been blinded for some hours and has ceased dominating souls. Lust is the sin making so many victims. Because satan is now powerless and blind, the evil spirits are set and inert, as if fallen into lethargy. They do not understand what is happening. Satan has stopped giving them orders. Consequently, souls are freed from the domination of the evil one and are making sound resolutions. Once those millions of souls emerge from this event, they will be much stronger in their resolve to stay firm.
Our Lady to Elizabeth Kindelmann August 1st 1962
As I said, the devotion to the Flame of Love is a powerful spiritual weapon. One of the most remarkable things about this devotion is that the prayers are said to be able to blind satan. In fact, by spreading the devotion throughout the world and with more people getting involved, we can really change the world for the better. With satan being blinded, he cannot strike as hard against humanity, and he can’t trick more souls into following him and going to hell.
The blinding of satan is very important, and in times of intense spiritual warfare, it could mean the difference between falling into pur temptations, or choosing to embrace our virtues. Our modern times are filled with temptations, much more temptations than there has ever been before. So we have never needed a powerful weapon such as the Flame of Love before.
The Prayers Of The Flame Of Love
The Flame of Love devotion has a few new prayers for us to learn and use.
The Five Sign Of The Crosses
The first prayer is pretty simple. Instead of making a normal sign of the cross, we make the sign of the cross five times. Each time we cross ourselves, we should bring to mind one of the five wounds Jesus suffered on the cross. His left foot, right foot, left hand, and right hand were all pierced by nails, while his fifth wound in his side came from the centurion’s spear.
The Unity Prayer
The second prayer is known to be a prayer that blind satan, and confuse his attacks against you. Exorcists swear by the Unity Prayer as a powerful prayer of deliverance and protection.
My Adorable Jesus,
May our feet journey together.
May our hands gather in unity.
May our hearts beat in unison.
May our souls be in harmony.
May our thoughts be as one.
May our ears listen to
the silence together.
May our glances
penetrate each other.
May our lips pray together to
gain mercy from the Eternal Father. Amen.
Jesus Himself attested to this powerful prayer, and told Elizabeth Kindelmann: “Through this prayer, Satan will be blind and souls will not be led into sin.”
Addition To The Hail Mary
The next prayer may seem controversial to some, however it’s important to know that Mother Mary herself told Elizabeth to write this down and to spread this particular petition. This prayer involves praying a Hail Mary, while adding a special petition toward the end of the prayer. And it goes like this:
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art though amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners. Spread the effect of grace of thy flame of love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Prayer for the Spread of the Flame Of Love
Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother, your love of God and your love for us your children is such that you offer us to your Divine Son Jesus on the cross, to obtain forgiveness for our sins from the Eternal Father, and thus, obtain our salvation, and for anyone believing in Jesus not to perish but obtain Eternal Life.
It is with filial trust that we beseech you, Blessed Mother, with the Flame of Love of your Immaculate Heart and through the Holy Spirit, to inflame in our hearts the fire of a perfect love for God and all men.
Help us to spread this Holy Flame to all people of goodwill, so that the Flame of Love extinguish the fires of hate all over the world, and Jesus, the Prince of Peace, may be King, front and center in every heart in the Sacrament of His Love on the throne of our Altars. Amen.
Starting Point
There is so much more to know about this incredible devotion, so keep on the lookout for future articles on this subject. In the meantime, start with these powerful prayers, given to us just as the world is plunging into darkness, to protect us and fight for the salvation of souls.
I highly suggest you say these prayers as a part of your daily rosary, another powerful weapon given to us by God through Our Lady.