Welcome to Catholic Growth! Let me introduce myself. My name is Tom, and I am a Catholic, on fire and fighting on the front lines. What front lines you may ask? The front that every Catholic fights, against the devil, themselves, and the world. Temptations, fears, insecurities, vices, all these traps meant to drag us away from our ultimate destiny, to be with Our Creator. Make no mistake, we are in this battle, and it is a real fight, the most important fight. In fact, all Catholics on Earth are the Church Militant, a spiritual military, fighting for our very souls.
Why would I write this blog? Another Catholic blog on the internet? Because you are all my fellow soldiers, all you men and women who need to fight or perish, we are all on these front lines in a spiritual war that raged from the beginning of time. I want you to be the best equipped Catholic you can be, a Christian on fire with the Holy Spirit. And like soldiers in a physical battle, we need to look out for our brothers in arms. We need to draw upon the wisdom of the saints who came before us, our fellow soldiers who have succeeded, and became part of the Church Triumphant. Their writings and real-life examples show us how to win. We need to contemplate the scriptures, the words inspired by the Holy Spirit, written by many authors, and compiled into the Bible. We need to heed the words from Jesus Himself, and from His virgin mother, who appeared to us on Earth so many times. And we need to make use of prayer, a weapon against the forces of evil and strength to the forces of good.

This blog will contain articles on theology, contemplating scripture, historical events, and stories of the saints, all to strengthen your mind, your reason. It will also contain articles on how to have a prayer life, how to deepen your prayer, prayers that I recommend, and spiritual insights and stories, all to strengthen your faith. Because, as St John Paul II has said, “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth.” We need to rely on this united nature that faith and reason have, to seek truth, which leads us to Heaven and away from lies from diabolical forces.
So, do you have questions about the Catholic Faith? Are you not yet prepared to fight for yourself and others? Are you struggling to understand theology? Do you need a stronger and deeper prayer life? Then you are in the right place. It is important to note, that everyone needs to continue to grow in the Faith, because if your faith is not growing, it’s dying. Faith cannot be stagnant.
Suggestions for topics are certainly appreciated, as well as questions. Feel free to comment on any and all posts that are on the blog. I hope you have a blessed day, and that I may be able to make that day a little bit holier.
Nicely done Tom
Thanks Marianne!
Looks pretty deep. Will be useful to all. Too many Catholics have no Catholic education beyond Confirmation and even that was just to basic.
Thanks Greg! My thoughts exactly and I hope I can help people in this area
Looking good Thomas. Most Catholics who criticize or quit the church really are uneducated about it.
Good point Greg! Exactly what I want to help fight against.