My story starts off like so many Catholics. Raised in a Catholic home, only really learning the basics. My parents really did try to teach me as much as they could, but the pleasures and fake happiness of the world was too enticing for me, and although I still remained Catholic, I was nowhere near what God called me for, I was where I thought I wanted to be.
For so many years, my Catholic life was just simply going through the motions. I never talked about God, had no interest in learning about the saints, never prayed, and sinned often, with no thought about the consequences. I was secure in this lie that either God did not exist or He would just want me to be happy. Of course, He wants us all to be happy, which is why He wants us to stop trying to be happy on our own. It will not work if we try to find our own happiness, and I could not see that.
My real conversion back to real Catholicism happened when I met my wife. She helped me realize what I was made for, what we are all made for. After being dragged to adoration every week, praying many Rosaries, and even learning how to say the Rosary by memory, after so many faith filled conversations and fasting, I knew that I, and everyone else, are made to be with God, in this life and in the next. I knew I could not coast my way to Heaven, I could not live in two worlds, and that needed to change now. As in, right away. And change I did, and realizing the incredible gift of a vocation in front of me, I married the woman who saved me from a terrible fate.
I do not have a theology degree, like so many bloggers do. I do however have a drive like none I have had before to learn more, to strive more, and to resolutely run toward Christ.
So I hope that my story and my articles can help others grow toward Our Lord. We were made by Our Infinitely Wise Creator, to grow. There are so many resources I am finding within the Catholic Church, showing us how to grow in the right direction, toward Christ. I implore everyone to grow with bravery and vigor, through our incredible faith, and find true Catholic Growth.