In this post, we take a look at the Examen. This is a form of prayer in which you reflect on your day, and recognize the presence of God and His blessings for us. This prayer also guides us to reflect on what went wrong. If we expect to grow as Catholics we need to be able to see the good and bad, so we can avoid what is keeping us from God.
The Examen is an important part of Jesuit prayer life. St Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuit Order, developed this form of prayer and thought it was incredibly important for himself and all his followers.
This Examen consists of 5 parts:
- Gratitude
- Ask for Light and Clarity
- Examine Your Day
- Ask for Forgiveness
- Resolve to Change
Examen Part 1: Gratitude
The first part is when we give thanks. We think about the good things that have happened to us and the blessings we have received. Any part of the day that is good was a part of God’s plan, so we need to offer thanks. Think about as many good things as you can, and then thank Our Lord for giving it to you.
Examen Part 2: Ask for Light and Clarity
Part two involves a prayer to the Holy Spirit. We often do not see all the times that God was working in our lives, and we need the Holy Spirit to shed light on these parts of the day. The Holy Spirit, Our Teacher and Guide, will lead us to those parts of the day that we forget about or subconsciously do not want to think about. Earnestly ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, and trust in Him completely.
Examen Part 3: Examine Your Day
Now we take time to thouroughly examine the events that come to mind. The Holy Spirit will bring to the forefront experiences and decisions that did not go so well, or blessings and good things you did not notice.
This type of examination of self involves questioning your reactions and responses to events that happened throughout the day. Did you feel a prompting from the Holy Spirit to do something, and then turn the other way? What sins did you commit? Did you hurt anyone? What was the reason you were given that blessing? Why did you get that good thing and why was it good?
Examen Part 4: Ask for Forgiveness
After you examine thoroughly the events of the day, especially after you pray for more clarity, you may start to feel sorrow for the bad things you have done. It is important to seek forgiveness for those events and parts of the day in which you have realized you have done something against God’s will. Make an act of contrition, and make a heartfelt apology for any wrongdoing you have discovered through this process. If there are any mortal sins, resolve to go to confession as soon as possible.
Examen Part 5: Resolve to Change
Now that your wrongdoings are brought to light, anf you have asked for forgiveness, you need to change. Those sins are keeping you from being who God made you to be. Refusing to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit are also keeping you from being on the path toward salvation. Bring all these things to mind, and resolve deeply within your heart to stop those vices, and to follow what Our God prmpts you to do.
Forming a Habit
This Examen is designed to be said at the end of the day, before you go to bed. Using this form of prayer every night can help develop a habit of listening to the Holy Spirit, prompting and prodding us on our path toward our final destiny with Our Lord.
Start Now
So take up this prayer every night. Try it this night. St Ignatius would even perform this prayer twice a day, so if you feel up to it you can even do that. This prayer was designed to produce so much growth in the Faith. Hopefully, you learned a lot about this prayer and will take this up as a devotion.